We all know and understand well how an electric bulb glows and gives light.

A bulb glows when connected to a high voltage on one side and to ground zero on the other side. When you get a bulb to connect in between a high voltage and zero voltage, it produces light. If one of the link is broken, on the positive side or ground side, the bulb stops glowing. This is true with all other electrical equipment that we use.

Similarly, we as human beings, to glow and to be useful for others, you need to connect, on one side, with a high voltage and on the other side stay grounded (zero voltage)

The connection to high voltage, for us – the human beings, means to have enough enthusiasm and positive energy . The more enthusiasm we  have, we have more positive voltage and hence more possibility of glowing and being useful to the world – be it family, friends, colleagues and customers (if you are working and being part of a business).

This possibility of glowing becomes a reality only when we are also connected to zero voltage or stay grounded. Staying grounded means to have state where there is no ego. Dr. Wayne Dyer said EGO means Edge God Out. In the same lines I would say EGO means Edge Glow Out.

When we have ego, it means we have a bulb and possibly connected to a high voltage called enthusiasm, but still the bulb does not glow. A bulb that does not glow is useless. In our homes we do not have bulbs that do not glow. Bulbs which are fused (having a broken links) are discarded away, either immediately or at the right moment. On the other hand a glowing bulb, connected to a high enthusiasm on one side and grounded on the other side, is immensely beneficial to the world it belongs. The purpose of the bulb is to glow.

Not having ego or being grounded is easy when we are not interacting with other human beings or entities in the world. It is when you come face to face and shoulder to shoulder with other people, be it family, friends, colleagues or customers , our ego or ground zero is put into test.

Other day, at home, while using the washing machine my wife shouted and said it is giving shocks and called me for assistance. I went touched and I also got a shock (She was happy that I shared the pain :)). I used an electric tester and it indicated there is a high voltage in the body of the washing machine. I promptly called an electrician to check. He checked and said it is not getting the ground or earth and hence the reason for shock. He found that the earth had a loose connection and rectified it in few minutes and things were OK. I also learnt why all electrical equipment have an earth or ground. 

We have seen we getting shocks or  giving shocks to others when we are not grounded properly!

The things or people that hurt you actually teach you. Hence we should be thankful to people who hurt us. They provide us the possibility to get connected to ground zero. They provide the possibility to glow.

So the magic of glowing our own bulbs is to win the ego and stay grounded. When we fight ego it is not easy. We will lose many times. But the fight should go on. Ego does not like a continuing fight and vanishes after some time! As Buddha said, in the war of ego, the loser always wins.

Enthusiasm can be usually obtained from external sources i.e. people around you – like getting electricity from Hydro, Solar or Thermal. There are many positive people and things around us from which we can learn to have a high voltage and good Enthusiasm. However being grounded is entirely in our hands rather in our minds and our responsibility.

Wishing myself and all of us to have more enthusiasm and to have solid grounding, so that we all can glow more and stay brighter !

Credits for Sketches – Manasa, my daughter

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Muthu Ramalingam

Muthu Ramalingam, Muthu Ramalingam, CEO of Dextrasys Technologies, has a mission to improve productivity and accelerate sales of start-ups and small businesses. He enjoys reading and writing. Send an email to blogs@helloleads.io to reach him.

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